General Classifications of Criminal Offenses

There are a wide variety of crimes, but criminal acts are typically categorized into five basic types, namely: personal crimes, property crimes, inchoate crimes, statutory crimes, and financial crimes. Here is a closer look at these criminal offense classifications.

Personal Crimes

Personal crimes are crimes committed that have caused physical or mental injury to a person. The main categories of personal crime are homicide and violent crimes. Homicide is when the physical harm has led to death. In this case, the person who committed the crime can be charged with first-degree murder, voluntary manslaughter, or vehicular homicide. Violent crimes include assault, battery, kidnapping, child and domestic abuse, as well as rape.

Property Crimes

These crimes involve a violation of a person’s property. While it may also involve physical or mental injury, these crimes basically affect a person’s right to their belongings. Crimes that fall under this category include theft, robbery, burglary, and shoplifting.

Inchoate Crimes

Inchoate crimes are those that were initiated but not accomplished, including actions that may assist in committing another crime. Crimes that are considered inchoate include aiding and abetting, conspiracy, and attempt.

Statutory Crimes

Statutory crimes, as the name implies, are crimes proscribed by statute. Types of statutory crimes include those related to alcohol and drug, as well as traffic offenses. Common examples are driving under the influence (DUI), drug possession, drug manufacturing, driving without license, etc.

Financial Crimes

Financial crimes are acts with the involvement of deception or fraud to gain financially. Crimes that fall under this category include fraud, embezzlement, money laundering, and more.

According to criminal law firm in Hong Kong, laws as to how crimes are defined, classified, and punished may vary from one jurisdiction to another. It is important to know local regulations to avoid committing any criminal offense.

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